Real Estate Photographer in Allentown, PA

serving the Lehigh Valley, Poconos, and Greater Philadelphia area

Dedicated to providing...

timely communication

quick turnaround

high quality photos & video

Satisfaction guaranteed*

Why work with me for your real estate photo + video needs?

I have a background in marketing and sales, and my goal is to highlight the strengths of your property to make your job easier. That means more visibility on the listing, more qualified buyers, and faster sales.

I want to be your go-to RE photographer, which is why I have a satisfaction guarantee. If you have a personal preference about the photos on your listings, I will work with you to accommodate.

I'm Dan Pinckard: your go-to RE Photographer

Real Estate Photography Prices

Starting at…

Under 1,500sqf: $150

1,500 – 2,500sqf: $225

2,500+sqf: $300

Optional: videography, floor plans, 3d tours, social media content

Get photos that will leave a lasting impression

Contact Me:

Phone: (708)-691-7122
